Blizu / Nigh

Omrežena samostojnost in medgeneracijska povezanost / Network of InterGeneration Heed




 BlizuOmrežena samostojnost in medgeneracijska povezanost 


NighNetwork of InterGeneration Heed

V poskusu upočasnitve širjenja covida-19 je Slovenija uvedla stroge ukrepe, od zapiranja meja prek omejitev gibanja po občinah do redne policijske ure. Ti ukrepi so povzročili, da so ljudje, zlasti starejši, obtičali doma ali v domovih za starejše. Rdeči križ Slovenije je za njihovo nujno podporo pripravil pilotni projekt Omrežena samostojnost in medgeneracijska povezanost oziroma v angleškem jeziku NIGH (Blizu) Network of InterGeneration Heed. Cilj projekta je omogočiti dostop do informacij najbolj ogroženim v krizni situaciji, spodbuditi zdrav in samostojen način življenja, ter razviti izbrane skupnostne storitve s pomočjo IKT oziroma IKT podporne strukture. Pri tem bo projekt prispeval k razvoju storitvenih dejavnosti, spodbudil enake možnosti za starejše in enake možnosti žensk in moških, vključil medgeneracijsko sodelovanje s ključnimi deležniki, ter prispeval k izmenjavi izkušenj.

Projekt ima za starejše, ki bodo vključeni v aktivnosti, dva sklopa ukrepov. Prvi sklop se ukvarja s krepitvijo ozaveščenosti o pomembnosti novih IK kanalov za pridobivanje informacij v času kriznih razmer, z novimi oblikami socialnih in zdravstvenih pristopov in spodbujanjem aktivne udeležbe starejših v svetu digitalnih orodij. V ta namen želimo pripraviti vse potrebne informacije v prilagojeni obliki za starejše. Drugi sklop je praktične narave, kjer udeleženci skozi delavnico spoznajo in se naučijo uporabiti izbrana digitalna orodja, ki bodo pripomogla k zadovoljevanju zdravstvenih in socialnih potreb. Delavnica bo sestavljena iz predvidenih treh modulov: a) naročilo k zdravniku/specialistu preko spleta, b) naročilo hrane preko spleta in uporaba e-banke za plačevanje, c) uporaba programske opreme za internetno/telefonsko komuniciranje. Čeprav se cilji modulov prekrivajo, vsak modul poudarja ožji kontekst. Prenos znanja bo medgeneracijski, med mladostniki in starejšimi.

V času izvajanja bodo vsi udeleženci imeli brezplačen dostop do IK tehnologij, interneta, ter druge potrebne podpore. 

Covid-19 kriza je odprla nove oziroma poudarila že obstoječe izzive na področju socialnega in zdravstvenega varstva, zato si želimo s projektom na ravni obče družbe krepiti socialno vključenost najbolj ranljivih in zmanjšati tveganje za revščino.

Projekt finančno podpira Rdeči polmesec Turčije. Potekal bo od 15. avgusta 2021 do 15. januarja 2022.

In an attempt to slow down the spread of covid-19, Slovenia has introduced strict measures, from closing borders through restrictions on movement in municipalities to regular curfews. These measures have resulted in people, especially the elderly, getting stuck at home or in nursing homes. For their urgent support, the Slovenian Red Cross has prepared a pilot project Networked Independence and Intergenerational Connectivity, titled as Network of InterGeneration Heed (NIGH). The aim of the project is to provide access to information to the most vulnerable target group in a crisis situation, to promote a healthy and independent lifestyle, and to develop certain community services with the help of ICT or ICT support structure. In doing so, the project will contribute to the development of service activities, promote equal opportunities for older people and equal opportunities for women and men, involve intergenerational cooperation with key stakeholders, and contribute to the exchange of experiences.

The project has two sets of measures for the elderly who will be involved in the activities. The first set deals with raising awareness of the importance of new IC channels for obtaining information in times of crisis, with new forms of social and health approaches and encouraging the active participation of older people in the world of digital tools. For this purpose, we want to prepare all the necessary information in a customized form for the elderly. The second set is of a practical nature, where participants through the workshop get to know and learn to use certain digital tools that will help meet health and social needs. The workshop will consist of three planned modules: a) ordering a doctor / specialist online, b) ordering food online and using e-bank for payment, c) using software for internet / telephone communication. Although the objectives of the modules overlap, each module emphasizes a narrower context. Knowledge transfer will be intergenerational, between adolescents and the elderly.

During the implementation, all participants will have free access to IC technologies, the Internet, and other necessary support.

The Covid-19 crisis has opened new or emphasized existing challenges in the field of social and health care, so we want to strengthen the social inclusion of the most vulnerable and reduce the risk of poverty with the project at the level of general society.

The project is financially supported by the Red Crescent of Turkey (Türk Kızılay). It will run from August 15, 2021 to January 15, 2022.


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